An emergency bleeding management

Our R & D team extract Vitamin-K from different green leafs having medicinal value and administrated orally to different infected livestock’s who suffered to bleeding through different routs e.g. – Nasal , Urinal , Vaginal , Intestinal , cuts etc.

                  In those all cases our team observe a similar response , only after two hours in all above problems , bleeding had been control and complete check within 24 hours.

Active ingredients in each gm : Vitamin K3 (synthetic) – 10 mg , Vitamin K (from green leafs) – 4 mg , Organo Iron – 1.5 mg , Organic Nitrogen – 1 mg.

Indications :

Poultry : To prevention and control – Coccidiosis , Bloody spots , Blood losses , Internal hemorrhages, E.Coli , Anemia, Ammonia toxicity etc.

Cattle : All emergency remedy to stop any type of bleeding to any route & supportive therapy of TRYPNOSOMIASIS,BABESIOSIS,THEILERIOSIS or other protozoan infections.

Dose :

    Poultry           –  5 – 10 gms per 100 birds

    Large Animal – 10 – 12 gms per head

    Small Animal – 2 – 5 gms per head daily for 5 – 7 days through drinking water or feed or as directed by the Veterinarian.

If necessary half the mentioned dose should be repeat an interval of 2 hours for 24 hours to till cure.  

Presentation : 100 gms pouch.