A Totally Conceptive Uterine Tonic
Pregnosive contains Alkaloides of
White Ash : Control enlargement of uterus , fibrous growth , sub-involution , uterine tumors , dysmenorrhoea etc.
Cotton Plant : Powerful emmenogogue , expulse retained placenta , ante version and control of pelvis.
Olak : Prevent and control Lochia , Physometra and help in formation of eggs.
Unicorn root : Prevent from habitual abortion tendency and uterine prolepses , albuminuria during pregnancy , ovuritis , sexual weakness , vaginitis , indurated cervix , pelvicitis , shivering , leucorrhoes , great atony etc.
Golden ragwort : Prevent from all smooth muscle inflammation (ovary , oddur , uterinal , veginal etc) , fetus death and maintain uterus pH for reduce the mortality of semen and prevent from bacterial growth for help in sure conception.
Features :
- Pregnosive expulse anti-bodies which develop due to infections caused – retained placenta , Natural mating to sub-fertile or infected males , parturition infection etc.
- To prevention , control and cure uterine/vaginal inflammation & prolepses , torsion and displacement of urerus.
- Pregnosive control and cure ovarian bursa salpingitis , cystic ovaries , endometritis and other bacterial and protozoan infections like – brucellosis , campylobacteriosis , leptospirosis , trichomoniasis , inflammation with bursar and uterinal adhesion , periglandular fibrosis hydro and pyo-salphinix , hydrometra , pyometra , endometritis , metritis , mycoplasmas etc.
- Pregnosive controls abortion , weakness of uterinal muscles , ovarian hardness & inflammation , infertility due to supplementary deficiency and disturb uterus pH (low and high) , physometra , lochia etc.
Dose :
Large Animal : 2.5 gms twice daily for 60 – 90 days
Small Animal : 2.5 gms daily for 30 – 45 days or as directed by the Veterinarian.
Suggestion to insemination : You must be inseminate after 15 days from supplementation of Pregnosive to first heat and continue this supplementation.
Presentation : 100 gms pouch